Thursday, February 5, 2009

One dish at a time

I have to do the dishes today, and we have no dishwasher. It sounds trivial enough but I spend my nights dreaming of the effortless drop of cutesy Dawn action pac. Then I would jump to the dishes you, wouldn't even be able to contain me! When I first moved in to "the dungeon", as my husband so cleverly coined our living quarters, he warned me " oh, and there's no dishwasher".... it didn't phase me then.. no dishwasher, big deal, we'll just wash our dishes, not the most novel idea. I will never agree to this again, it will be deal breaker for the next place we reside.

The dishes mound and yet the idea of washing them is so cringing I would rather wash what I need and keep them mounding. Hence, I am blogging about it.

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