Monday, September 29, 2008

a walking disaster

I am. In general the murphy's law tends to ring true in my life, rarely if ever do I get lucky in most cases I get unlucky such is the case with my current condition: right now I look as if I got in a fight with a sharp corner and it won.... against my eye. ;)

Out of nowhere I have broken a near and dear vessel in my eye. I thought in general when a vessel pops in your eye it becomes slightly messy even widening a pinch (if that) and in most cases blood shot comes to mind. and if my definition is true this looks as though 10 veins at once simultaneously combusted, creating a rather painfully looking picture. I did nothing to deserve this I did not sneeze inside my head, I did not cough until a busted lung resulted, and I did not run a dagger to my eye. So it is mysterious, how and why this came to be. I have tried to retrace what dangerous variables I may have overlooked that would have been the obvious culprit, and I have come to conclusion.. it just is. these kinds of freak of nature things are attracted to me, how many people can say in a crowd of over a thousand they have been crapped on by a bird?
I can. true story.

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